#somebody play despacito
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leavemeal0newithmym0ss · 1 month ago
bruh why is TikTok already banned its not even the 19th yet
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darke15 · 1 month ago
Me coming back to the blog I've barely touched in a year:
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schiz0ne · 8 months ago
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cannibalism perk fallout 4
(Eating somebody w my fat ahh in front of him and he didn't like it. Siri, play despacito.)
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teethkid67 · 10 months ago
when i was growing up there was a trailer a few doors down and the owners always left the door unlocked and open. the neighboorhood kids were always allowed inside and they had really good snacks. the weird thing was that they didnt have kids. it was just some random couple that had an endless supply of fudgcicles. they had an xbox we would play on and an alexa that was always playing despacito. always. 100% of the time without a doubt. despacito.
okay im kind of obsessed w them . fudgecicles i literally havent thought about fudgecicles in AGES
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heres baby bptommy eating a fudgecicle on somebodys front porch
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raven-6-10 · 2 years ago
"Oh, so your [lowly] world's skies were covered by black miasma, which blocked off the light of both sun and stars? And in the darkness you [lowly] were hunted by endless hordes of monsters that used to be people, before they were twisted into their current shape? Caused a near total collapse of the civilization? It lasted an entire decade? That so sad, Design, play [highly] Despacito."
-- Somebody from Komashi, about the World of Ruin on Eos, probably
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dontmindme2600 · 8 months ago
Just saw somebody say “that’s so sad Alexa play despacito” and had a fucking ratatouille gif moment
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nosowoso · 4 years ago
did you watch the vanderquigs insta live? 🥺 they're so cute wtf
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fromedennn · 6 years ago
Aziraphale: [discorporates]
Crowley: That’s so sad, Bentley play “Somebody to Love.”
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bichromne · 7 years ago
cishet is a slur non-cishets use for cishets
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llivoce · 7 years ago
I just heard someone pronounce KLM as ‘khelem’ and I don’t know what to think
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misskitka27 · 3 years ago
Currently on a road trip with someone’s family I am not familiar with, due to reasons I cannot quite fathom, found out about it late last night,
~ and ~
hoo boy let me tell ya, other families are just as weird as yours
For example:
The dad played Despacito cause it’s his favouritest song ever, and also is it a late-middle-aged parent thing to love singing along to Somebody’s Watching Me…?
The grandma is telling stories about
how her and her granddaughter (both in the vehicle) want the hotel suite with the jacuzzi but they couldn’t get it, so the grandma had this plan to fake limp and fake complain about her shoulder hurting, but everyone else explained to her how limping was leg/foot and she was yammering about her shoulder. T’was very hilarious.
Which prompted her to tell about:
the time she went to a sports game and was late, so she told her uncle to limp so they could use the close parking spot, and he limped in and kept limping all the way through the building and almost to his seat before she told him that it was just for the parking thing, he didn’t have to do it inside at all
Funniest thing is, it’s been 3 hours so far and it’s a 7-9 hour trip
Also they only listen to country music and this is gonna be harder than I thought
…to be continued
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catharsis-in-a-bottle · 3 years ago
thoughts on On A Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Where do I even start?
I'm going to make a list, in no particular order, because there is no other possible way for me to even organize my thoughts on this book. (Spoiler alert if you'd like to read it in the future)
First thing's first... my friend lent me this book and expected me to live?? They expected it to not put a spear straight through my heart??
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Okay okay here's an actual bullet point: Let's start with the worldbuilding. I feel like that can be a more difficult thing to do in a graphic novel, as you can't go on rambling sentences about world backstory - but Tillie Walden fucking nailed it. She made it feel realistic; she wrote real high-school characters and made a boarding school in space feel like an Earth school. She made it feel outlandish; she dove us into a world of koi-like spaceships, floating building complexes, the far reaches of the galaxy, a world full of life and death where no one leaves and no one enters. It's so very unique and I truly think it's genius, and it still feels so human even though it's very futuristic
The way she writes queer people... there are no men in the book as far as I know, first of all, which leaves room for So Many Lesbians and such varied gender presentations among them... I am absolutely In Love. And the way she wrote Elliot, and their friends defending their identity and pronouns to Jo, and otherwise having a nonbinary character be such a casual aspect of the story - a nonbinary character with depth, mind you - means so much to me. (The way queerness is integrated into this book feels a lot like Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir but I'll talk about that another time perhaps)
More on Elliot. Having a nonverbal character made my heart feel so goddamn good, and again the fact that their friends adamantly defended them - I LOVE IT I FUCKING LOVE IT. Ell has my whole heart. They're a tech wizard, a badass fighter, and a loving friend, and again I finally have a nonbinary character with deep meaning to the story, which is incredibly rare (cough cough, I can't even think of a single other instance of that, actually).
Mia and Grace. Oh my god. This book made me cry. This book made me HOLD IN MY TEARS WHILE I SAT IN SOMEBODY ELSE'S LIVING ROOM. It had a romance that I could finally find meaning in from the perspective of someone with a difficult relationship with romance - Mia and Grace, and Alma and Char. In relation to Mia and Grace - their relationship made sense, and it was so WARM I cried and then they held on to each other in the school anti-gravity chamber or whatever that was and... AHHHHHHWHSEIWUWHSBNAQJQKQK
Grace leaving and Mia not getting to say goodbye holy SHIT there's the SPEAR there goes the spear through my heart
Alma and Char also felt like such a good portrayal of an adult relationship and I cannot explain why they made me feel so good but they did
Char is amazingly smart and cool-headed, and exactly the type of character I get emotionally attached to. (Which is also why I got attached to Grace.) When Char got suspended and had to leave the ship I was so sad Alexa play Despacito
All the characters on the Aktis had their strengths. Alma: natural leader, assertive, organized. Char: cool-headed under pressure, smart, compassionate. Jules: funny, light-hearted, cheerful, ability to connect with ancient Eldritch fox beings (lol). Ell: calm, intelligent, strategic, kind. Mia: quick learner, friendly, also compassionate, willing to help. This is the best found family I've ever fucking read, period. Especially once Grace got added to the bunch. They were all so different, and in depth, and their backstories connected and made sense and they all just clicked. I would die for them.
Can I talk about the worldbuilding again just for a moment? How empty (complimentary) it made me feel? How lost in space it left me? The majority of the graphic panels had black as the most space-filling color. I don't know how to describe this, but it gave the story itself almost a black background, and it added to the effect of... something that was nearly horror, or at least abject loneliness. Everything in the novel felt spacially far apart because everything was so far apart. It took months to travel from place to place. And the places themselves were mostly desolate - the old religious building in the beginning, and then The Staircase. It's my favorite type of worldbuilding: it hollows you out and leaves you yearning to see every corner of the world the author has created, knowing that if you were in the book itself, you could never even come close to seeing or understanding everything. It's my favorite type of scariness and it's exactly why I love Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth, and therefore this book as well.
And can I talk about the color scheme thing? How everything that was happening in the "present", with Alma and everyone on the ship, was colored mainly in purple / warm colors, and then all the boarding school flashback scenes were mainly blue / cool colors? And how they MIXED AT THE END WHEN THEY WENT TO FIND GRACE AND THEREFORE UNITED THE TWO TIMELINES???? THATS FUCKING GENIUS. there i talked about the color scheme thing
The Staircase... god that was so cool. Shit. It had a cowboy feel and yet there also an ANCIENT FOX within it (which also terrified me) and I just - yeah I will not shut the fuck up about the worldbuilding it is SO DAMN COOL
I'm tired and I think I could say more but I want to fall asleep now. One last thing: no i do not feel much romantic attraction yes this book makes me want a girlfriend
Okay that's all, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who may happen to see this post, I swear it just changed my worldview a tiny bit in the span of 2 hours
Oh and here's a sample frame of art from it:
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Yeah. Okay. Bye.
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rpmemestorehouse · 4 years ago
2010′s Internet Memes Starters
Change wording as needed
“Are you frustrated?”
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I-”
“Let me tell you why that’s bullshit.”
“Oh stop it, you.”
“Aww yiss.”
“France is bacon.”
“That’s cute.”
“Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.”
“Has science gone too far?”
“...said no-one ever.”
“We need to go deeper.”
“Do you think this is a motherfucking game?”
“Oh baby, a triple!”
“Brushie brushie brushie~”
“Spooky scary skeletons!”
“You could stop at five or six stores, or, just ONE.”
“You hear about video games?”
“Release the kraken!”
“Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?”
“ ‘It will be FUN’, they said!”
“You’ve been GNOMED!”
“Deal with it.”
“And not a single fuck was given that day.”
“It’s a double rainbow!”
“The rent is too damn high!”
“You jelly?”
“Challenge accepted.”
“Come at me bro!”
“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?”
“Are you a wizard?”
“Bitch please!”
“I know that feel bro.”
“Shut up and take my money!”
“I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
“I hope you step on a LEGO.”
“That really rustled my jimmies.”
“And then a skeleton popped out!”
“I’ve seen some shit.”
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“This isn’t even my final form!”
“You had one job.”
“Kill me.”
“Majestic as FUCK.”
“Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about [insert]?”
“I swear on me mum...”
“You have no power here!”
“What a time to be alive.”
“If I pull that off, will you die?”
“It will be extremely painful...for you.”
“Hide the pain Harold.”
“Local man ruins everything.”
“Mom, get the camera!”
“I cri evrytiem.”
“The struggle is real.”
“I am the one who knocks!”
“This is the darkest timeline.”
“I’m about to end this man’s whole career.”
“I regret nothing!!!”
“I lied.”
“I’ve seen enough [insert] to know where THIS is going.”
“Oh god why-”
“Everyday I’m shufflin’-”
“You wot mate?”
“Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...”
“Man door hand hook car door-”
“Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, vomit on my sweater already, Mom's spaghetti-”
“Oppa Gangnam style!”
“When [place] is ashes, you have my permission to die.”
“I only cried for 20 minutes.”
“Pepperidge Farm remembers.”
“Go home, [Name], you’re drunk.”
“Fuck me, right?”
“I should buy a boat.”
“Apply cold water to that burn.”
“420 blaze it!”
“That’s a nice new [insert]. It would be a shame if something happened to it...”
“I too, like to live dangerously.”
“You know nothing, [Name].”
“I’m getting too old for this shit.”
“Does this look like the face of mercy?”
“It was me, [OWN NAME]!”
“Stop trying to make [insert] happen! It’s not going to happen!”
“You merely adopted the darkness.”
“See? Nobody cares.”
“I will find you, and I will kill you.”
“I understood that reference!”
“Listen here, you little shit-”
“It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out.”
“Ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli.”
“How do you do, fellow kids?”
“Ow, the edge!”
“*teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid.”
“Pee is stored in the balls.”
“We have food at home.”
“You must be new here.”
“Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.”
“That’s the evilest thing I can imagine!”
“Dammit Moon Moon!”
“When u mom com home and make hte spagheti-“
“When will you learn? When will you learn?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?!”
“helo would u like some of this hot choclety milk?”
“Be strong, [Name]. Be strong for Mother.”
“Ayy LMAO.”
“Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.”
“Shrek is love, Shrek is life.”
“Heard you were talking shit!”
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
“Look at me. I’m the captain now.”
“This could be us, but you playing.”
“They played us like a damn fiddle!”
“I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
“I’m in me mum’s car, broom broom!”
“Hand me the aux cord.”
“Press F to pay respects.”
“Trust nobody, not even yourself.”
“Anime was a mistake.”
“It’s just a prank, bro!”
“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.”
“Are ya winning, son?”
“Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.”
“I lived bitch!”
“You just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.”
“*chuckles* I’m in danger.”
“That wasn’t very cash money of you.”
“They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.”
“Alone on a Friday night? God, you’re pathetic.”
“Why the fuck you lyin’? Why you always lyin’? Mmmm oh my GOD, stop fuckin’ lyin’~”
“You’re gonna have a bad time.”
“I’m at soup!”
“Congratulations, you played yourself.”
“I’m you, but stronger.”
“This is fine.”
“Hello darkness my old friend~”
“Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Bourne!”
“I have crippling depression!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.”
“Take a fucking sip, babes.”
“Brother, may I have some oats?”
“God I wish that were me.”
“Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.”
“Oh, worm?”
“Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?”
“Am I a joke to you?”
“Let me in. LET ME IIIIIINNNNN!!!!!”
“You know I had to do it to ‘em.”
“Why is the FBI here?”
“Oh no baby what is you doin’???”
“Hey man, you see that guy over there?”
“Buenos días, [Name]!”
“Hey there demons, it’s me, ya boy.”
“Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.”
“Then perish.”
“Somebody toucha my spaghet!”
“My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.”
“Weird flex, but okay.”
“I’m baby.”
“OK, boomer.”
“Yep, this one’s going in my cringe compilation.”
“This is so sad. Alexa, play Despacito.”
“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.”
“All right then, keep your secrets.”
“They did surgery on a grape.”
“It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.”
“Look how they massacred my boy!”
“Bro! You just posted cringe! You are going to lose subscriber.”
“Wait, that’s illegal.”
“Bro, I’m straight-up not having a good time.”
“Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants maybe?”
“I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move.”
“Say sike right now.”
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floof-ghostie · 4 years ago
floof help i just found an eri body pillow i need wholesome 1b headcanons to bleach my brain
I’m so sorry, an Eri WHAT?!
All jokes aside, I got your back.
Kendo is non binary, though she doesn’t really care which pronouns people call her by. 
Honenuki enjoys early 2010′s pop music.
Awase can and will use his quirk to stick somebody’s stuff high up where they can’t reach it.
Komori, Yanagi, and Kodai are all autistic.
Kuroiro loves the Addams Family (he’s got good taste tbh)
All of the boys have used Tetsutetsu as a battering ram during training.
When Vlad King saw it, he said, and I quote: “What’s better than this? Guys being dudes.”
Rin gets very sleepy in the wintertime. It isn’t uncommon to see him bundled in like four layers (I relate).
On another note, Rin is also a very good dancer/singer.
Tsunotori and Monoma exchange manga/bandes dessinees. They like talking about them together.
Kodai is very easy to talk to. A lot of people are somewhat intimidated by her, but she doesn’t notice.
Komori jumps up and down when she laughs.
Tsuburaba and Kaibara met during the entrance exam. They became fast friends.
Also, I know this probably won’t be canon, but it’s a crack theory between me and my mutuals that Kaibara is related to the sixth ofa user.
Tsuburaba can play the kazoo, and the slide whistle. He has played Despacito for his classmates on numerous occasions.
Fukidashi is very good at drawing realistic bodily proportions. 
His favourite hero is Present Mic!
Tsunotori is from Chicago, though she moved to New York at a very young age.
Bondo was bullied for his appearance in elementary/middle school.
When class 1-B heard about it, they vowed revenge. Even Shiozaki. 
Bondo was raised by his grandparents. They gave him nothing but love and support.
Shiozaki is Afro/Japanese/Filipino.
Tetsutetsu was raised by a single mom.
Awase has two sisters and a younger brother. One older sister, one younger sister, one younger brother.
His younger brother is quirkless, and Awase had to step in to defend him a lot...
On a happier note
All the boys in the class respect women. Unlike a certain grape skunk.
Tokage’s favourite heroes are Miruko, and Burnin. She likes her attitude.
She cannot stand Endeavor though. 
Shishida comes from a wealthy family, but like Iida, he wanted to get into U.A on his own, instead of recommendations.
Kaibara has recorded his classmates doing dumb stuff, but he’ll do the same to anyone else tbh.
Never bet against Shoda while watching a wrestling match. He will win.
Yanagi likes to go ghost hunting. She brings her friends.
Komori has used the meme “you cannot kill me in a way that matters” so many times.
Kodai has two shiba inus. One is named Rex, one is named Chiba @moshiguro came up with this.
They make her smile.
Don’t let the term “common sense kings” fool you. They share one brain cell that Rin has most of the time. 
Yanagi enjoys lofi music.
All of the boys have threatened grape skunk at least once, like the kings they are:
Awase: I will weld you to the top of the school, don’t test me.
Kaibara: How many of your kidneys would you like to keep.
Tetsutetsu: Nice skull you got there. Would be a shame if anything were to *hardens fist* smash it like a watermelon.
Kuroiro: I will drag you into the void from which I came from.
Bondo didn’t even have to say a thing. 
Shishida: If you do not treat our female counterparts with respect, I will have to use physical force. 
Honenuki: *glared through mask, and softens nearby rock* Y’know, I’ve never tested my quirk out on anyone before.
Tsuburaba: *angry sputtering* (it’s the thought that counts)
Kamakiri: I won’t hesitate b*tch *sharpens body*
Rin: *gives intimidating look* I will end you.
Monoma:.... I don’t even have to say it, do I?
Surprisingly, out of all the boys, it’s Fukidashi and Shoda that are the first to actually hit him.
Also, the class 1-b girls? Are so chaotic?? And for what???
Hatsume is an honorary class 1-B member, because she can match the chaos.
Seriously, girls night for class 1-B is basically them doing one stupid stunt after another. 
Bless them.
Kamakiri has a tarantula, but he leaves it at home because Tokage has severe arachnophobia.
He’s a lot sweeter than he lets on.
Kamakiri also has a crush on Tsunotori, but refuses to admit it.
 Kamakiri 🤝 Kuroiro not being able to confess.
Anyways, this is the end of all my hcs, but I hope this cleanses your brain sufficiently!
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lnc2 · 4 years ago
you: *makes a post commenting on how ppl feel the need to mention they don’t like ladrien at any given time* somebody: *literally makes a comment on that post about how they don’t like ladrien* i just- can’t...
it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last
anyways alexa play despacito
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incorrectbatfam · 5 years ago
Heyy I love your blog but what songs are banned from the batcave and what songs do they play the most??
Songs that are banned from the batcave
Never Gonna Give You Up. This one's pretty self-explanatory
All Star. It was a running gag between the boys to kick the door open on the "someBODY ONCE TOLD ME" part and everyone was fine with it until one of them let their Kryptonian in on the joke
Livin' On A Prayer. Tim and Jason got into a fight over who gets to claim it as their favorite Bon Jovi song and Bruce went, "If you guys can't share, then neither of you can have it"
Despacito. Somebody's always like "This is so sad, Batcomputer play Despacito"
They tried to ban the Nyan Cat song but none had the heart to take away Damian's little pop tart kitten
The Song That Gets On Everybody's Nerves
Set Fire To The Rain. Thanks to the time Damian threw a gallon of gasoline into the air while Jason stood underneath with a lighter
Jingle Bells, Batman Smells
Welcome To The Black Parade. And as an added precaution, any other song that begins with a G note on the piano
Hips Don't Lie. Nobody finds that appeaing, Dick
Bohemian Rhapsody. Because someone keeps messing up the harmony by replying to "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy" with "No this is Patrick"
Mr. Brightside. Tim won't stop saying stuff in response to "Coming out of my cage and…" with things like "doing just not good" or "going back in"
Hush Little Baby ("don't patronize me, Grayson")
I Knew You Were Trouble but with the screaming goat
Songs that are constantly played in the batcave: all of the above
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